Health & Safety Policy Statement
Company Health & Safety Policy Statement
Simpson Arboriculture Ltd
Date ratified: 01/11/2018
Next review date: 01/11/2019
Responsible person: Will Simpson
Health, Safety and Welfare General
Policy Statement
This Statement recognises Simpson Arboriculture Ltd obligations under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974.
Simpson Arboriculture Ltd (The Company) in the conduct of its activities will ensure that it:
- Protects the health, safety and welfare of its employees and others who may be affected by its activities.
- Limits adverse effects on and adjacent to the area in which those activities are carried out.
- Meets its responsibilities as an employer to do all that is reasonably practicable to prevent accidents, injuries and damage to health.
The Company will also, so far as is reasonably practicable:
- Provide and maintain safe working environments that are without risks to health, safety and welfare.
- Set standards that comply with the relevant statutory requirements relating to health, safety and welfare with regard to the effect on employees, contractors, visitors and the public.
- Safeguard employees and others from foreseeable hazards connected with work activities, processes, working systems.
- Ensure that when new substances, plant, machinery, equipment, processes or premises are introduced, adequate guidance, instruction, training and supervision are provided for safe methods of work to be developed.
- Train all employees to be aware of their own responsibilities in respect of relevant health and safety matters and ensure they participate in the prevention of accidents and co-operate with measures taken to prevent industrial disease.
- Ensure that contractors undertaking work for the Company are informed of the relevant standards required and are monitored to ensure compliance without detracting from the contractors’ legal responsibilities to comply with statutory requirements.
- Promote good health amongst employees and be concerned with the prevention of occupational and non-occupational disorders and diseases.
- Co-operate with appropriate authorities and technical organisations to ensure policies are updated and Standards reviewed to reflect best practice.
- Undertake inspection, audit and review activities to ensure the Company’s objectives for health, safety and welfare are being met.
- This Policy, supported by Instructions, Procedures and Organisational Arrangements, is to be applied to all activities carried out by the Company.
- The Policy must be enforced by all Directors, Managers and Supervisors and be observed by all employees.
The responsibilities for determining the Company’s policies on health, safety and welfare matters including revision of this Policy, lies with the Director of The Company
- The Director Responsible for Safety, Will Simpson, has particular responsibility for health, safety and welfare. In the event of difficulties arising from the implementation of this Policy, reference must be made to Will Simpson.
- Each employee shall recognise personal responsibility for observing the Company’s Safety Policy, Instructions and Procedures, and should develop interest and enthusiasm in health, safety and welfare issues.
- The implementation of this Policy will be undertaken by the Managers of staff of the Company supported by our Appointed Safety Advisers, Arion Ltd, who will monitor compliance with the requirements and give advice on health, safety and welfare matters generally.
This policy will be reviewed by the appointed advisors, working with the Company safety representatives and managers and the director responsible:
- Upon significant change when deemed necessary
- At least annually on the anniversary of its signing
Appointed Safety Advisors
The Appointed Safety Adviser for the company is Arion Ltd – 01529 413347
Statement of Intent
Company Safety Objectives
The general safety objectives of the company are as follows:
- To reduce incidents which may result in personal injury or damage to premises, plant or material.
- To protect all employees, visitors and the general public, including contract personnel and suppliers of goods or services.
- To promote, so far as is reasonably practicable, a safe and healthy environment for all employees, in so far as they are affected by the operations of the Company.
Company Responsibilities
In order to meet the objectives set out in this policy, the Directors will ensure that adequate resources, including money and time, are made available for the provision of health, safety and welfare within the workplace.
The Company shall endeavour to ensure the provision and maintenance of plant and equipment, systems of work, and a workplace and environment, which are safe, and without risk to health. If working from home, suitable and sufficient resources shall be made available to ensure that the working environment is safe for staff and other family members alike.
Protective clothing and equipment shall be provided for all employees when the nature of the work being carried out, or statutory provision, requires the use of such personal protective equipment or highlighted on the relevant risk assessment.
The Company will recruit and promote personnel based on their ability to perform the required task. This will be regardless of their colour, race, nationality, sex, ethnic origins or any mental or physical disability.
Consultation with Employees
The Company is committed to creating and maintaining a positive Health & Safety Culture and fervently believe that to achieve this, all members of staff, irrespective of grade or position should have their views heard and feel confident to be able to come forward with suggestions.
In accordance with Company policy and the Health & Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 1996 and the Safety Representatives and Safety Committee Regulations 1977and using INDG 232 as a guide the Company will consult employees on changes in work practices that may affect them, the introduction of new equipment and materials and changes to risk assessment and method statements.
Although not all suggestions may be enacted within the Company, all reasonable suggestions will be brought to the safety committee for consideration.
The Company is committed to the belief that suitable and proper training is an essential factor in maintaining high standards of skills, efficiency and health and safety throughout its operations, and therefore full use will be made of any guidance and/or training available, either in-house, or through trade associations, professional bodies and others as and when appropriate.
No persons shall be permitted to carry out any work process, or operate any machinery or equipment belonging to, hired, or in use by, the Company unless they have been suitably trained and duly authorised.
Risk Assessments
For all activities for which significant hazards and levels of risk have been identified, safe working practices and procedures shall be developed and adopted to ensure that the Company complies with its statutory duties in respect of such activities.
Generic risk assessments and procedures will be followed, where appropriate. Where necessary, these will be adapted to meet the specific needs of a particular situation, or where possible giving due consideration to circumstances a new assessment shall be made or a significant risk has been highlighted or appeared.
Any measures identified, either existing or additional, shall be conveyed to those members of staff affected, in order that the risks may be minimised and controlled.
All assessments and the control measures identified shall be monitored as to their effectiveness and may be revised in the light of experience, or amended to suit specific circumstances as and when the need arises.
Responsibilities of Employees
All employees have a duty to work in a safe and responsible manner, at all times, and to carry out their duties in such a way so as not to endanger the health, safety and welfare of themselves or others. They shall be encouraged to submit suggestions for the improvement of general standards, or specific areas, of health and safety within the Company. It will be clearly indicated to every level of staff that their responsibilities, with respect to health and safety, are no less important than in any other function, and that it is their duty to do everything “reasonably practicable” to assist in the achievement of the objectives set out in this policy.
It is the responsibility of all members of staff to ensure that they comply fully with all instructions, systems and safety measures that have been put into place to ensure the health, safety and welfare at work of everyone in the workplace whether visitors or staff.
Any member of staff, regardless of position or status, who is found to be deliberately or consistently negligent in the performance of their duty, in relation to the Company health and safety policy, may be subject to disciplinary action, including dismissal.
Contractors & Sub-Contractors
Although not a general practice of the Company, from time to time the Company may employ contractors or sub-contractors to carry out work. Any contractors or sub-contractors who are invited to work for the Company will fill out the Contractor Competency Check form before being allowed to carry out any work for or with the Company. They will be inducted into the Health & Safety policies herein and as with all staff members are to ensure that they comply fully with all instructions, systems and safety measures that have been put into place to ensure the health, safety and welfare at work of everyone in the workplace whether visitors or staff.
Contractors and sub-contractors must not attempt to use any equipment or work in any area of the Company without prior authority, guidance or escort.
Any contractor or sub-contractor who is found to be deliberately or consistently negligent in the performance of their duty, in relation to the Company health and safety policy will be removed from our list of approved suppliers.
The foregoing is a general statement of the Company’s health and safety policy and is supported by the following sections which detail the organisational structure and the arrangements in force for ensuring that the aims and objectives contained within this policy are achieved.