
Why you need kiln-dried logs to keep you warm this winter

As winter settles in and the temperatures drop, there’s nothing quite like the warmth and comfort of a crackling fire to make your home feel cosy. However, the key to a successful and efficient fire lies in the choice of firewood. At Simpson Arboriculture, we believe that kiln-dried logs are the answer to keeping your warm and toasty throughout the chilly winter months. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of opting for kiln-dried logs for your fireplace.

Efficient burning

Kiln-dried logs have an edge when it comes to efficiency. Our drying process in the kiln ensures low-moisture logs. It quickly removes excess water from the logs to ensure optimal levels. Our Ready to Burn hardwood logs are tested to ensure they are below 20% moisture. They are carefully checked, so our customers achieve the perfect burn every time.

Consistent heat output

One of the challenges with air-dried or green wood is the inconsistency in heat output. Kiln-dried logs on the other hand, offer a consistent and reliable source of heat. The controlled drying process ensures that each log has a uniform moisture content, resulting in a more even and sustained flame. This makes it easier to maintain a comfortable temperature in your living space.

Reduced creosote buildup

Creosote buildup in your chimney is not only a potential fire hazard, but can also decrease the efficiency of your fireplace. Kiln-dried logs burn more cleanly, producing less creosote compared to their less-dried counterparts. This means less maintenance for your chimney and a safer environment for your home.

Environmentally friendly choice              

Kiln-dried logs are an environmentally friendly option. The controlled drying process is more energy efficient compared to traditional air-drying methods, resulting in a smaller carbon footprint. By choosing kiln-dried logs, you’re not only keeping your home warm but also making a more sustainable choice for the planet.

Convenient handling

Handling kiln-dried logs is a breeze. With their lower moisture content, these logs are lighter and easier to transport and store. You won’t have to deal with the heavy, damp logs that can be a challenge to move around. This convenience makes the entire process, rom purchase to burning, much more enjoyable.

Ideal for Indoor and Outdoor Use

Whether you’re lighting up your indoor fireplace or enjoying an outdoor fire pit, kiln-dried logs are versatile enough to meet your needs. Their low moisture content makes them well-suited for indoor use, while their efficiency and clean burn make them a great choice for outdoor gatherings.

Get in touch

As winter descends upon us, make the smart choice for warmth and ambience- choose kiln-dried logs from Simpson Arboriculture. Our commitment to quality ensures that you’ll have a reliable and efficient source of heat to keep you warm all season long. Contact us today in the office or place an order online.