Hedge planting

As spring is in the air, it’s the perfect time to celebrate our wonderful hedgerows. From providing sanctuary to wildlife to delineating boundaries and enhancing landscapes, hedgerows are an essential feature of our natural environment. National Hedgerow Week (6-12 May 2024) presents an opportunity to delve into the myriad benefits of hedging and what we can do to support them.  

Hedge trimming and reduction: preserving beauty and functionality

Trimming and reducing hedges are vital practices in maintaining their health and aesthetic appeal. At Simpson Arboriculture, our skilled tree surgeons understand the balance between shaping hedges to perfection and ensuring their health of the plants. By carefully trimming overgrowth and shaping hedge lines, we not only enhance the visual appeal of landscapes but also promote healthier growth.  

Hedge planting: cultivating green corridors

Hedges are essentially green corridors that connect habitats and promote biodiversity. Whether it’s reviving ancient hedgerows or establishing new ones, every hedge counts! Our experienced team plant hedgerows that we intend to grow and thrive for years to come. We can advise customers on the best hedge plants for their garden, to meet all their hedging needs. This might be balancing appearance and functionality with using native species, and choosing plants that are suited to the type of soil in the area. We want your hedges to both look great and grow healthily. 

Hedges: Bird nesting awareness

At Simpson Arboriculture, we recognise the importance of protecting birds, especially during nesting season. We take our responsibility seriously, and our arb teams are trained to carry out wildlife disturbance assessments before embarking on any hedge or tree work. By fostering a culture of bird nesting awareness, we can safeguard avian populations and ensure their continued presence in our hedgerows.  

Hedges: Environmental benefits 

Hedgerows are more than just natural boundaries; they are dynamic ecosystems teeming with life. They provide food and shelter for birds, insects and small mammals and act as carbon sinks and mitigate soil erosion. Hedgerows play a crucial role in supporting biodiversity and environmental resilience. By preserving and expanding hedgerow networks, we contribute to the broader conservation efforts to safeguard our planet’s ecological balance. 


Through responsible hedge management practices and a commitment to wildlife conservation, we can sow the seeds of a greener, more sustainable future. If you are interested in maintaining the existing hedges in your garden or even planting new ones, get in touch. Our expert team at Simpson Arboriculture would be happy to advise and provide a quote for any work. For planting, we oversee the whole process from start to finish. We source high quality hedge plants and have ample experience in planting to ensure that they grow and thrive. As we celebrate National Hedgerow Week, we can appreciate the invaluable contributions of hedgerows to our environment and communities. We can help the environment one hedge at a time, and ensure that these diverse corridors endure for generations to come. 

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At Simpson Arboriculture, we understand the importance of maintaining the natural beauty of your garden. One key aspect of achieving that pristine and tidy look is hedge trimming. More than just a routine task, hedge trimming requires skill, knowledge and a keen eye for detail. In this blog, we will delve into the world of hedge trimming and explore how it can transform your garden.

Hedge Trimming: Benefits Beyond Aesthetics

While the aesthetic appeal of well-trimmed hedges is undeniable, there’s more to hedge trimming than meets the eye. Regular trimming promotes the health and vigour of your plants. Removing overgrown or dead branches encourages new growth, enhances air circulation and prevents disease. Our expert arborists at Simpson Arboriculture not only craft visually appealing hedges, but also ensure the longevity of your hedges through proper care and maintenance.

Hedge trimming: The Science

Hedge trimming is a delicate balance between artistic expression and scientific knowledge. We carefully consider factors such as the type and species of hedge, its growth patterns and appropriate time of year for work to be carried out. Our team at Simpson Arboriculture combine years of experience with up-to-date arboricultural knowledge and skills to create beautiful, trimmed hedges that will continue to thrive for years to come.

Our tools

Our team of arborists will choose their tools carefully to achieve the desired outcome. This will depend on the size and species of the hedge, as well as what the access is like. For example, they may use electric hedge trimmers to achieve an even finish. They may also use pole pruners or long reach hedge trimmers for those trickier to reach places. For larger hedges, the team can use ladders or a MEWP to allow them to work safely at height. The tools and approach always depend on each individual job to ensure both precision and efficiency in the work carried out.  


Hedge trimming is more than a routine task; it’s both an art and a science. Our skilled arborists bring together the science of arboriculture and the creativity of design to transform your hedges into an important asset of your garden, transforming them with a precise and tidy look. With a focus on hedge health, precision and a personalised service, we’re committed to helping you achieve the best possible outcome for your garden. Contact us today to arrange your free quote. Our experienced team would be happy to discuss options with you.